Instancer Brush
Spreading instances far and wide
With Brush selected, you no longer need to set a number of Instances to be generated - how many are is dictated by how much you brush. To begin laying down your Instances, click the Paint toggle and you'll see the viewport becomes outlined in green to show you are in paint mode. Painting is laid down with the left mouse button, deleting with the right. You can change the size of the brush using the Radius field or by holding Ctrl and using the LMB to resize the brush interactively. The Min Distance field gives a minimum distance between instances, ideal if you want to paint traffic cones or trees. The size of the Min Distance field can be adjusted numerically or by holding down Ctrl and using the RMB. If you are painting on a non-flat surface, as with the Random and Uniform modes, instances can be painted with Rotation Alignment set to Normals to ensure your instanced objects follow the curvature of your shape.
Once you have finished painting your instances, toggling Paint mode will remove the green outline and your instances will be kept at their painted positions. You can revisit your placement at any time before render.